Hello, Fellow Cyclists,
I am seeking volunteers to participate in a sport psychology study. This CSU, Fresno funded research analyzes cyclists and their mental skills while riding a 20-minute effort. The first question I am asked is, "How much time will this take?" We will meet three times, and twice, you will ride with music, warm up, ride at a challenging effort, and then cool down. After each ride, I will ask you to complete a very short survey, and then you will be done. The bonus is that you will ride your own bike on a Wahoo, so no adjustments or uncomfortable seats will be experienced! Most participants are done within 40-min.
Please consider participating in this highly valuable study; most participants find the process exciting and fun. Not only will you contribute to the field of sports psychology, but you will earn a $ 50 gift card upon completion of the three rides. You may contact my graduate assistant, Maggie Benn (info is on the flyer), or we can schedule a phone conversation to speak.
Denise M. Ramirez, Ed. D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Kinesiology
California State University Fresno
Room 124, South Gym