April 2025 Birthday Rides

  • 04/05/2025
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • The Well Coffeehouse 327 Nees Avenue, Clovis



April 2025 Birthday Rides

For April, our monthly Birthday ride will take place on Saturday, April 5th.  We have three levels of rides, A, B, and C.  D-level riders are welcome to join the C ride.

Jersey of the Day - Wear your FCC Jersey!

New Start/Finish Location - Meet up at 8:45 AM for a 9:00 ride start from the parking lot of The Well Coffeehouse on the Northwest corner of Clovis Avenue and Nees. When you are done with the ride, stick around and enjoy some social time with other club members.

The C-Level Ride will go out and back to the Backside of Millerton, approximately 41 miles and 1,500 feet of climbing.

The B-Level Ride will go out and back to Friant Shell, approximately 23 miles with 300 feet of climbing.

The A-Level Ride will either ride along the trail or possibly head over to Woodward Park, approximately10 miles.   

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